- foa3d.pipeline.analyze_fibers(fbr_slc, cfg, out_rng, pad_rng, ts_msk=None, _fa=False)¶
Analyze 3D fiber orientations exploiting a Frangi-filter-based unsupervised enhancement of tubular structures.
- Parameters
fbr_slc (numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X))) – fiber image slice
cfg (dict) –
Frangi filter configuration
- alpha: float
plate-like score sensitivity
- beta: float
blob-like score sensitivity
- gamma: float
background score sensitivity
- scales_px: numpy.ndarray (dtype=float)
Frangi filter scales [px]
- scales_um: numpy.ndarray (dtype=float)
Frangi filter scales [μm]
- smooth_sd: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=int)
3D standard deviation of the smoothing Gaussian filter [px]
- px_sz: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=float)
pixel size [μm]
- fb_thr: float or str
image thresholding applied to the Frangi filter response
- msk_bc: bool
if True, mask neuronal bodies within the optionally provided channel
- hsv_cmap: bool
generate HSV colormap of 3D fiber orientations
- exp_all: bool
export all images
- rsz: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=float)
3D image resize ratio
- ram: float
maximum RAM available to the Frangi filter stage [B]
- jobs: int
number of parallel jobs (threads) used by the Frangi filter stage
- batch: int
slice batch size
- slc_shp: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=int)
shape of the basic image slices analyzed using parallel threads [px]
- ovlp: int
overlapping range between image slices along each axis [px]
- tot_slc: int
total number of image slices
- z_out: NumPy slice object
output z-range
out_rng (NumPy slice object) – output range
pad_rng (numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X))) – image padding range
ts_msk (numpy.ndarray (dtype=bool)) – tissue reconstruction binary mask
_fa (bool) – compute fractional anisotropy
- Returns
out_slc –
slice output dictionary
- vec: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X,C), dtype=float)
3D fiber orientation field
- clr: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X,C), dtype=uint8)
orientation colormap
- fa: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
fractional anisotropy
- frangi: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
Frangi-enhanced image slice (fiber probability image)
- iso: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
isotropic fiber image slice
- ts_msk: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
tissue mask slice
- fbr_msk: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
fiber mask slice
- Return type
- foa3d.pipeline.frangi_analysis(rng, in_img, out_img, cfg, t_start, _fa=False)¶
Conduct a Frangi-based fiber orientation analysis on basic slices selected from the whole volumetric microscopy image.
- Parameters
rng (dict) –
- in: np.ndarray
3D input slice range [px]
- pad: np.ndarray
3D slice padding range [px]
- out: np.ndarray
3D output slice range [px]
- bc: np.ndarray
(optional) brain cell soma slice range
in_img (dict) –
input image dictionary
- data: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X) or (Z,Y,X,C) or (Z,C,Y,X))
3D microscopy image
- ch_ax: int
RGB image channel axis (either 1, 3, or None for grayscale images)
- ts_msk: numpy.ndarray (dtype=bool)
tissue reconstruction binary mask
- fb_ch: int
neuronal fibers channel
- bc_ch: int
brain cell soma channel
- msk_bc: bool
if True, mask neuronal bodies within the optionally provided channel
- psf_fwhm: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=float)
3D FWHM of the PSF [μm]
- px_sz: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=float)
pixel size [μm]
- path: str
path to the 3D microscopy image
- name: str
name of the 3D microscopy image
- fmt: str
format of the 3D microscopy image
- is_tiled: bool
True for tiled reconstructions aligned using ZetaStitcher
- is_vec: bool
vector field flag
- shape: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=int)
total image shape
- shape_um: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=float)
total image shape [μm]
- item_sz: int
image item size [B]
out_img (dict) –
output image dictionary
- vec: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X,C), dtype=float32)
fiber orientation vector field
- clr: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X,C), dtype=uint8)
orientation colormap image
- fa: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
fractional anisotropy image
- frangi: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
Frangi-enhanced image (fiber probability image)
- iso: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
isotropic fiber image
- fbr_msk: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
fiber mask image
- bc_msk: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
soma mask image
- px_sz: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=float)
output pixel size [μm]
cfg (dict) –
Frangi filter configuration
- alpha: float
plate-like score sensitivity
- beta: float
blob-like score sensitivity
- gamma: float
background score sensitivity
- scales_px: numpy.ndarray (dtype=float)
Frangi filter scales [px]
- scales_um: numpy.ndarray (dtype=float)
Frangi filter scales [μm]
- smooth_sd: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=int)
3D standard deviation of the smoothing Gaussian filter [px]
- px_sz: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=float)
pixel size [μm]
- fb_thr: float or str
image thresholding applied to the Frangi filter response
- msk_bc: bool
if True, mask neuronal bodies within the optionally provided channel
- hsv_cmap: bool
generate HSV colormap of 3D fiber orientations
- exp_all: bool
export all images
- rsz: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=float)
3D image resize ratio
- ram: float
maximum RAM available to the Frangi filter stage [B]
- jobs: int
number of parallel jobs (threads) used by the Frangi filter stage
- batch: int
slice batch size
- slc_shp: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=int)
shape of the basic image slices analyzed using parallel threads [px]
- ovlp: int
overlapping range between image slices along each axis [px]
- tot_slc: int
total number of image slices
- z_out: NumPy slice object
output z-range
t_start (float) – start time [s]
_fa (bool) – compute fractional anisotropy
- Return type
- foa3d.pipeline.odf_analysis(fbr_vec, iso_fbr, px_sz, save_dirs, img_name, odf_scale_um, odf_norm, odf_deg=6, exp_all=False)¶
Estimate 3D fiber ODFs from basic orientation data chunks using parallel threads.
- Parameters
fbr_vec (NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X,C), dtype=float32)) – fiber orientation vector field
iso_fbr (NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)) – isotropic fiber image
px_sz (numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=float)) – adjusted isotropic pixel size [μm]
save_dirs (dict) – saving directories (‘frangi’: Frangi filter, ‘odf’: ODF analysis)
img_name (str) – name of the 3D microscopy image
odf_scale_um (float) – fiber ODF resolution (super-voxel side [μm])
odf_norm (numpy.ndarray (dtype: float)) – 2D array of spherical harmonic normalization factors
odf_deg (int) – degrees of the spherical harmonic series expansion
exp_all (bool) – export all images
- Return type
- foa3d.pipeline.parallel_frangi_over_slices(cli_args, save_dirs, in_img)¶
Apply 3D Frangi filter to basic microscopy image slices using parallel threads.
- Parameters
cli_args (see ArgumentParser.parse_args) – populated namespace of command line arguments
save_dirs (dict) –
saving directories
frangi: Frangi filter
odf: ODF analysis
tmp: temporary data
in_img (dict) –
input image dictionary
- data: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X) or (Z,Y,X,C) or (Z,C,Y,X))
3D microscopy image
- ch_ax: int
RGB image channel axis (either 1, 3, or None for grayscale images)
- ts_msk: numpy.ndarray (dtype=bool)
tissue reconstruction binary mask
- fb_ch: int
neuronal fibers channel
- bc_ch: int
brain cell soma channel
- msk_bc: bool
if True, mask neuronal bodies within the optionally provided channel
- psf_fwhm: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=float)
3D FWHM of the PSF [μm]
- px_sz: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=float)
pixel size [μm]
- path: str
path to the 3D microscopy image
- name: str
name of the 3D microscopy image
- fmt: str
format of the 3D microscopy image
- is_tiled: bool
True for tiled reconstructions aligned using ZetaStitcher
- is_vec: bool
vector field flag
- shape: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=int)
total image shape
- shape_um: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=float)
total image shape [μm]
- item_sz: int
image item size [B]
- Returns
out_img –
output image dictionary
- vec: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X,C), dtype=float32)
fiber orientation vector field
- clr: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X,C), dtype=uint8)
orientation colormap image
- fa: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
fractional anisotropy image
- frangi: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
Frangi-enhanced image (fiber probability image)
- iso: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
isotropic fiber image
- fbr_msk: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
fiber mask image
- bc_msk: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
soma mask image
- px_sz: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=float)
output pixel size [μm]
- Return type
- foa3d.pipeline.parallel_odf_over_scales(cli_args, save_dirs, out_img, img_name)¶
Iterate over the required spatial scales and apply the parallel ODF analysis implemented in parallel_odf_on_slices().
- Parameters
cli_args (see ArgumentParser.parse_args) – populated namespace of command line arguments
save_dirs (dict) –
saving directories
frangi: Frangi filter
odf: ODF analysis
tmp: temporary data
out_img (dict) –
output image dictionary
- vec: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X,C), dtype=float32)
fiber orientation vector field
- clr: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X,C), dtype=uint8)
orientation colormap image
- fa: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
fractional anisotropy image
- frangi: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
Frangi-enhanced image (fiber probability image)
- iso: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
isotropic fiber image
- fbr_msk: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
fiber mask image
- bc_msk: NumPy memory-map object (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
soma mask image
- px_sz: numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=float)
output pixel size [μm]
img_name (str) – name of the input volume image
- Return type
- foa3d.pipeline.reject_brain_cells(bc_slc, out_slc, rsz_ratio, out_rng, bc_thr='yen')¶
Suppress soma contribution using the optional image channel of neuronal bodies.
- Parameters
bc_slc (numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X))) – brain cell soma image slice
out_slc (dict) –
slice output dictionary
- vec: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X,C), dtype=float)
3D fiber orientation field
- clr: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X,C), dtype=uint8)
orientation colormap
- fa: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
fractional anisotropy
- frangi: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
Frangi-enhanced image slice (fiber probability image)
- iso: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
isotropic fiber image slice
- ts_msk: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
tissue mask slice
- fbr_msk: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
fiber mask slice
rsz_ratio (numpy.ndarray (shape=(3,), dtype=float)) – 3D image resize ratio
out_rng (NumPy slice object) – output range
bc_thr (str) – thresholding method applied to the channel of brain cell bodies
- Returns
out_slc –
(masked) slice output dictionary
- vec: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X,C), dtype=float)
3D fiber orientation field
- clr: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X,C), dtype=uint8)
orientation colormap
- fa: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
fractional anisotropy
- frangi: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
Frangi-enhanced image slice (fiber probability image)
- iso: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
isotropic fiber image slice
- ts_msk: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
tissue mask slice
- fbr_msk: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=uint8)
fiber mask slice
- bc_msk: numpy.ndarray (axis order=(Z,Y,X), dtype=bool)
brain cell mask
- Return type